Schools without Supplemental Essays

Schools without Supplemental Essays

I am sure senior year has been a trying time, but the good news is that you have made it past the Early Decision and Early Action dates in November!

All the hard work you put into crafting your personal narrative over the summer and in the early months of fall are not going unnoticed. You might have also racked through numerous supplemental essays, especially when sifting through your list of target, reach, and safety schools. 

Now the holidays are coming up and while it is almost time to celebrate winter break, something else is also nearing: January 1st, the Regular Decision deadline!

If you find yourself late in the application process with those deadlines pressing, and you do not have it in you to write another single word, here are some schools without supplemental essays:

Our college advisors are here to help you navigate every part of the college process, and our essay coaches are here to help construct and write your aspirations onto paper. If you have any more questions about the college application process, please feel free to reach out and talk to someone on our team!