College Advisor

Bryn Mawr College, M.S.S. in Social Work
Columbia University, M.A. in Higher Education
Villanova University, B.S. in Secondary Education

Bryn Mawr College, Director of Undergraduate Admissions

Marissa has dedicated the past two decades to higher education, with diverse roles including student affairs, leadership development, and admissions/enrollment. She spent a significant portion of her career at Bryn Mawr College, where she learned the intricacies of selective admissions and witnessed the transformative power of liberal arts and women’s colleges.

She also has extensive experience counseling on school selection and admissions; her approach to advising students and families through their college search process emphasizes mindfulness, personal growth, and celebrating each step of this pivotal milestone. As a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist, Marissa understands the anxieties and pressures that come with this process, so she’s here to keep students grounded and focused so they can shine authentically through their applications.

Marissa lives in Philadelphia where she loves being a mom to her toddler son and teenage diva dog. She enjoys trying new restaurants, exploring new parks and playgrounds with her son, spending time with family and friends, yoga, and dance fitness classes.

Favorite Book A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara

Senior Superlative Most Congenial

Favorite Nerd Alex Dunphy


College Prep

College Advising